By Adamah Mumuni
Utopia is a TV show about a group of young adults who hold clues about the comic book utopia and they have to do everything in their power to save the world from what the dark future holds about the utopia comic book. The young adult came together when they discovered the elusive comic utopia is real. The comic predict the demise of humanity and the world this group of underdogs went on a high-stake adventure to use what they discovered to save themselves, each other, and ultimately humanity.
The show utopia is believed to have an effect on the current real pandemic we are facing right now, the show vaccine which was created just to sterilized human from
reproduction many believes since we have a similar vaccine for the covid-19 the show utopia should have released at all during the 2020 year where we are having the real pandemic.
Moreover, the vaccine for the covid-19 has already killed two people “from the local new network 1010 wind New York’ and that has raised a red flag that what happened in the utopia show is very real and people are refusing now to take it. The show utopia misinforming people about how is very related to the current situation wasn’t the reason why the show was created because the creator of the show utopia even did not know in advance this current pandemic was going to attack the world it was just a clear coincidence it was released at the wrong time. Another source discussed by Ouellette that also talks about the ‘Utopia is a very good series released at exactly the wrong time’ continuous to explain in this article as we were in several months into the real pandemic, with over 200,000 dead in the US alone and a shattered economy and people buying the false conspiracy theories about a manufactured virus deliberately released to create demand for a vaccine in the show has really turned for people believed that it is something would happen in real life. It is really time for Amazon to pour gasoline on the fire when so many people are in such deep denial that they will choose their preferred fictions over objective reality, releasing the show for that period of time was just wrong.
Another source by Dessem according to the author We are in the middle of an actual pandemic, a staggering number of Americans sincerely believe that that pandemic is a politically motivated, and an equally staggering number believed vaccines were harmful years before COVID-19 emerged,all the conspiracy theories about the vaccine in the show has put a lot of fear in many people they might have the same problem as compared to the movie . ers-uh-oh.htm
This source by Rivera according to the author Utopia is about a conspiracy unfolding across a viral pandemic, after which the disclaimer changes to warn you that Utopia is “not based on an actual pandemic or related events.” It is a show that has the terrible misfortune of being accidental of this moment, and completely wrong about all of it at the time of this pandemic it wasn’t really release in 2020 to cause any fear in people about the current situation it was just normal show like any other one but people have taken it a different way.
furthermore, according to Travers Utopia” carries more parallels to the ongoing global pandemic than many of today’s news outlets the movie is very different from the current pandemic and in real sense the show is just a movie and other schools of thought believe that is real pandemic that can apply in real life the show was not meant for this movement of the pandemic 42/
Another source by Nick Allen Amazon's Utopia is a Massive, Maddening Game” according to the author in this article is a massive show like this relies on its plotting, and "Utopia" splits the difference: it’s so meticulous and also so obvious when it does force some information, or leans into a coincidence to keep the story going to create more attention from the audience and that has totally make movie Further more there are still a lot sources writing about how Amazon Cancelled 'Utopia' After One Season, and We Think We Know Why by the author “ according to the author the show was cancelled because there was a lot speculation about the movie been similar to the real pandemic and it has created a lot of fear on people.For example I agree with author because i watched through the episodes utopia is distraction from the real world more than a reflection, and people could basically look out their window and
get the fear of Utopia, and it was more of violence
Finally another sources by Weldon also explain similarly that no matter how or when utopia came out, Utopia was always going to be a tough sit that's what it was engineered to be and that was how it was going to because with or without the current pandemic the show was going to be a problem in the eye of the people and the social media . wasn-t-made-for-these-times
In conclusion, personally utopia the show has too many connection with the current pandemic it released was very wrong because we have the real pandemic which the world is facing, utopia related episodes has really made things worse in terms of the vaccine taken where people don't believe is good to save our life and the conspiracy that covid-19 vaccine has killed one person by the local network radio New York 1010 winds now turn people totally from take the vaccine.
Adamah Mumuni is a student at Bloomfield who is majoring in occupational therapy