by Abdoul Lengane
Why do we keep feeling like it's the end of the world? Because someone is ending it or is it just an illusion!?
During the early stages of the pandemic, many conspiracy theories pointed directly to the virus being man-made and released for a specific purpose. Certain sources such as early new papers addressing the issue of Covid-19 in China have been shut down by government officials, which makes everything questionable.
We could see the same thing happen in the TV show Utopia; an evil scientist creating a virus that is targeting children. Then later on presenting a vaccine that "cures" the virus, but little they knew, it had for goal to make them unable to make children. Therefore, the TV Utopia accomplishes two things; it creates conspiracy theories about the origins of the virus and the motives behind the vaccine.
Most people know Covid-19 to be a virus from Wuhan China, even though the nation denied it, but what else don't we know? Could it be another tactic for population control? or is it another step toward the Great Reset?
The conspiracy theory of the Great reset claims that a group of world leaders orchestrated the pandemic to take control of the global economy. The internet is a great place to be informed, but also to be misinformed. Most people nowadays don't know what to believe because of the amount of information that is being released by different parties. According to the article "How Does Mass Media Affect Public Opinion" by Staff Writer, different parties have different goals that they intend to reach with the information that they put out. Certain Mass Media seek to reinforce already formed opinions which reinforce the people belief of a certain topic no matter if it's true or false, while others use mass media to share public opinion which is letting a certain group of people know the thoughts of others and vice-versa.
We like it or not both of these tactics have been used by Mass Media to shape our thoughts and beliefs about this ongoing pandemic. Based on the information that a certain group was receptive to, they will decide to accept the vaccine or reject it.
Therefore, certain group of people still believe up to this day that this virus was man- made for the purpose of making a One World Order, which makes it less likely for them to consent to taking the vaccine.
Moreover, many use facts such as many dying from the vaccine just strengthen their beliefs on the subject. Data on a NEWSWEEK shows that up to 966 people died in less than 49 days after receiving different doses of the vaccine from different manufacturers. Incidents such as those leads to less trust in the vaccine.
According to the CCP (center for communication programs), the covid-19 vaccine acceptance rate is falling globally in the United States. Data shows that from February 2021 to April 2021, the vaccine acceptance rate dropped from 70% to 30% in America. This sudden drop isn’t due to anything else but the side effects of the vaccine, death due to the vaccine, and conspiracy theories around the pandemic.
In conclusion, We can agree that covid-19 is still a treat no matter the amount of vaccine created because without the trust of the people we will be stuck at fighting this virus for years. One of the quickest ways to spread fear nowadays is through social media, so fact-checking tweets will help decrease the number of misinformed individuals.